Right. The wines. Well, as always, during vintage I am so intimately involved with the wines that I tend to lose perspective. Having had a break and now come back to them, I think they are pretty smart! Many batches are elegant and perfumed. My favourite, yet again, is the malbec from our vines planted in 1974. Pure, jet black, with attitude but charm.
We had some firsts this year. First wine made off the 4 year old shiraz planted from buds taken from a spectacular little plot of old shiraz at Cape Mentelle. First grapes off the grafted malbec which we hand-plucked so there is not one bit of green stalk. Surprisingly, both wines look like complete wines in themselves already, with the malbec just about finished its malo, naturally started as was its primary fermentation. In fact most of my ferments this year were completed naturally, without any yeasts added. I can't believe it's taken me 4 vintages to finally pluck up enough courage to commit to au naturel winemaking. I am a convert. Perhaps it's in my mind, but to me the wines look purer and feel more honest.
The longer I am in this game, the more I find myself unlearning all the rules that I have been taught at university. And taking courage from my experiences in France making wine - think long post ferment maceration and judicious use of lees. We need to stop being so scared of things we can't see (like yeast and bacteria) or control.

As a small producer we have the opportunity to break into new territory as we aren't accountable to head honchos. We live the wines in every sense and because there is such a personal and immediate relationship it means any problems that might develop from 'risky' winemaking (ie natural winemaking) can be nipped early.
I love being a small producer. I have endless ideas and plans which I can't wait to put into action. More's the pity vintage only comes once a year. Your support in purchasing our wines lets me indulge this passion. Thank you.
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